Lessons are customised to suit each student using our own developed method books and the use of technology to make learning easy. Our dedicated music teaching studio in Merewether Heights creates a positive and comfortable learning environment.
Our aim is to help students achieve their personal musical goals, whether as a hobby, studying HSC/AMEB or becoming professional. At MGS our students learn the fundamental skills and techniques required to play their favourite songs.
Practical knowledge such as learning to improvise, songwriting skills, performance techniques and how to play with others are core components of lessons.
Beginners and mature-aged students are welcome.
All students are given the opportunity to perform in front of a live audience at our regular end of year gig.
In our music lessons, we focus on the joy of playing & creating music.
All music materials are provided such as manuscript, TAB, chord charts, song links, audio files, videos to enhance and progress student learning.
Students will be able to
1. Perform simple chord progressions to a range of popular songs.
2. Sight-read melodies in a range of keys.
3. Develop aural skills with relation to pitch, rhythm, time signature and performing media.
4. Acquire ensemble skills through group performance.
5. Perform technical exercises and patterns.
6. Adapt music-making skills to a variety of classroom and extra curricula performance activities.
7. Develop the ability to select and sequence appropriate repertoire.
8. Care and maintain the instrument including replacing strings.
9. Tuning the guitar including the use of a guitar tuner.

Guitar Lessons
At MGS we will teach you how to play the guitar from the basics! You will be given the musical knowledge, correct guitar techniques and fundamental skills to be able to pursue learning the instrument. Motivation is a very important element of success for young people to play the guitar, so we teach popular pop and rock songs to children & teenagers in a fun and enjoyable atmosphere.
We teach all styles, levels & ages on acoustic (steel string), classical (nylon string) and electric guitars. Students can expect to learn chords, famous riffs, popular songs, melodies, TAB, arpeggio picking, fingerpicking, music notation, aural training and music theory.

Bass Lessons
At MGS, We know the important role a bass guitarist plays in the band! You create the foundation and beats of the music, along with the drummer. Bass guitars have much thicker strings, longer necks and fewer strings (normally four). For bass guitar lessons, you will learn proper techniques, TAB, music notation, chords, riffs, arpeggios and how to create your own basslines.
We also teach primary students who are playing the bass guitar in the school band program. Let us develop your own style of playing the bass guitar.